After reading the first few chapters of Slaughter-House V, I was ecstatic. Finally, I get an opportunity to talk about my opinon on war. If you read my previous entries, I'm sure you already know my position. I am 100% against war.
I just don't understand it. Our country, sends innocent men and women to die for a cause that is based on greed. Yes, the government will use a cover to and something something such as, "We're going to Iraq to find Osama Bin Laden". Hmmm..well we have yet to find him. What we have done however, is blown up their country and killed numerous savilians to suposivly find one man.
Sounds fishy to me. The government never seems to mention that there is oil over in Iraq. DING DING DING, looks like we've found the real reason for this pointless war.
My views are simple, I don't support war. I do, however, support our soilders. The people who fight for their country, just because they know it's the right thing to do. What they are fighting for may not be as noble, and most of the soilders are aware of this. (after viewing letters from soliders to home, it has come to my attention that most soilders really arn't there for fun.)
Still, they grin and bear it and fight for their family and friends overseas. There is one big problem however, most US citizens have no idea how grusome war really is. There hasn't been war in the United States since Vietnam War. Most of the people who were around for that, can't talk about it anyway, seeing as it happend approximatly 90 years ago. (excuse my history knowledge for all you AP US students out there.)
Here is what I am trying to say, short and sweet. I would never wish a war to take place in the United States, but I guarentee if it did, it would change how eager we are to go overseas. Now, obviously, I've never been to Iraq, but I've done a lot of research. I know how terrible it is, and what we are truly fighting for. I just hope that Obama really does what he said he was going to do and bring our soilders home.
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago