Today I wrote a paper on the song Imagine by John Lennon. If you have not heard this song, I highly recommend it. Here are the lyrics:
Some speak of how this song is anti-religious. However I don't believe that this is true at all. So, Lennon speaks of a world without religion, well he's not dumb people, he knows that this would never happen. The reason he powerfully dismisses religion, is because he wants everyone to forget about who believes what. He wants everyone to judge people by who they are, and not what they believe.
Also, in his song, he speaks of a world without worldly possessions. Immedietly following, he says "I wonder if you can." I believe that people have become so obssessed with what they have, that they feel it defines who they are. For example: "you are what you drive" or "you are what you wear". This is a dissapointing way that a majority of our population judges each other.
I for one am sick of it. Think about it, we look up to celebrities, why? Because they are known in the media. How did they become known in the media? For having money and nice cars. It's just not something that I want to be a part of.
Now, I am not about to say that I don't like my fair share of music. Rap is probably my all time favorite thing to listen to. I just think that people should view money and religion differently, other than it defining who you are.
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
I liked your perspective of his song.
But I also think that people's beliefs do really define who they are. Since a big part of a person, their life, and their personality is what they believe, you can't not judge them by it unfortunately.
Beliefs are good, they make us what we are and are the definition in our lives of what makes us different from each other.
Would you be the same person you are today if you didn't believe what you did? Whatever it may be, not just religiously, but morally and philosophically. I know I wouldn't be the same.
Anywaysss sorry my comments so long! Have a good day!!! =D
Brittanya, I think you hav picked a great way of looking at Lennon's song and i think it's definitely true about how everyone judges everyone else.
Also, i don't think i could imagine a world with no possesions but i think it would be amazing and i'm with you on that thought. however i'm with aleesha on being defined by your beliefs; that it's a part of who you are.
great analysis :)
I believe the same thing as well. Why do we have to look down on others. Because they are different, they speak a different language, or that they don't have as much money as you do.
I can't really see a world without worldly material. Not that I don't want to see it go but its been around us all. We as humans have the whole greed thing working in the opposite direction.
He's not saying we shouldn't have beliefs, he's saying we shouldn't base our opinions of other people on their beliefs. It's the notion that everything's relative, and we have to take our differences with a grain of salt. Lennon strived for a more harmonious world, echoed in his song "Nutopian National Anthem," which is just three seconds of silence. It projects an idea of complete equality, with no specific fanfare tying everybody to one single belief system. Dude knew what he was doing.
That's a very intereseting interpretation. People are way to materialistic. Things you own end up owning you
I love your post and I think that it's very true. I also think it's very cool how you don't care what people think and aren't into all the celebrities, money, and materialistic things in this world.
i personally think that he mentions a world with out religion because it has started many wars that were in the name of "god" who ever that may be for that person for example crusades were in the name of god but they ppl in those wars also killed people which goes against thou shall not kill that just one example i also agree that people base to many things on looks because you can have some one who looks really mean and nasty be the nicest person in the world
I LOVE this song. It is so true. Everyone just needs to stop judging everyone and get along. If people stopped worrying what other people though of them, or what they think about other people. The world would be a lot happier.
Great Blog! You explained his song really well!
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