Every day millions of women wake up and get ready for the day. They spend hours picking out the perfect outfit, that they probably paid way too much for. Then proceed to put lotions and powders on their face to cover up their already beautiful skin. With other individual odds and ends in between this is the process of a normal American female's day.
I am not going to sit here and blog about how much I hate that women are so self-conscious, because that would be truly hypocritical. I wear expensive jeans and straighten my hair on my good days. However, I also recognize inner beauty before I even comment on a women's exterior.
That is what my blog about is ladies and gentlemen. The inner beauty. Some say it's only for the ugly people. Other's argue that without inner beauty, a person will never be truly beautiful.
This is my argument. What in the heck are we doing? People in America have become so image conscious that clothing and cosmetic companies feed off of it. They do everything they can to subliminally tell us that we are not perfect, but we can be with their product.
Everyone knows that it's a bunch of BS, however, we still go out and buy it. Maybe sometime a women will find her perfect shade of blush, but then what does that mean? Does it boost your self-esteem so that you feel better about yourself? Some say yes. I then argue, really?
It is estimated that 1 in 3 women have eating disorders. It is also estimated that 30,000 people die from suicide each year, and another 75,000 attempt it.
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for those aged 15 to 24. It is because at those ages, we are all trying to find ourselves. Trying to decide who we will be for the rest of our lives. We form to friends, family, and celebrities to be what we think we want to be. However, the only way to really find out who you truly are is to look inside of yourself.
I understand that peeling away all of the exterior will leave you completely exposed to everyone around you, and that scares the heck out of anyone.
I leave you with this note. How will you know if you are ever truly happy, if you don't know who you really are?
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
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